Photo of Rémi Morvan

Rémi Morvan

Contact: where x = remi.morvan

About me

Since September 2021, I am a Ph.D. student at LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux, under the supervision of Diego Figueira and Nathanaël Fijalkow, in the Formal Methods and Models department, in the LX, RATIO and MTV teams.

CV: in English / in French.
Contact: where x = remi.morvan (in French or in English).

I am interested in logic and its connection with algebra, including but not limited to automata, algebraic language theory, infinite-duration games, finite model theory and database theory.

Current responsabilities:


  • June 2024: Antoine Cuvelier is starting an internship on the homomorphism problem on automatic graphs.
  • Feb 2024: I'm co-organizing the ATLAS '24 workshop on automata, logic and algebra, in Rennes, on 23—25 April.
  • Jan 2024: SafeToC advocate and member of the organizing committee of Highlights '24.
  • Nov 2023: Now member of LaBRI's scientific council.

Recent publications

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Recent talks

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Knowledge (links)

  • the knowledge LaTeX package;
  • knowledge-clustering: an easy-to-use command-line tool I developed to automate the use of knowledge;
  • knowledge-examples: a minimal example for knowledge and a tutorial for both knowledge and knowledge-clustering.

I never thought I would meet someone this excited about knowledge! Thomas C.

